Monday, September 29, 2014

Scholastic Book Order

Book orders are due October 1st. Don’t Forget! (Great deals and prices to add to your home library.) You can write a check to Scholastic, send in cash, or go online and put in my code: JJQRM  Use the link here or on the right to order!


READ 20 minutes every night this week. Read to a family member out loud or listen to someone read to you while you are following the words with your eyes.  Use the links on the right to practice addition and subtraction facts for 5 minutes each night.

This Week in Writing Workshop...

Launching of the Writer’s Workshop:
This week your child will continue to work on personal narratives focusing on a special person as well as a special place. 

***** Students will be coming home with their first spelling list today.  The short a and short i sounds.  Please keep the list at home to study.  This Friday will be the first spelling test. *****

3rd Grade Curriculum Night

Where: Roosevelt Primary School 
When: September 30th, 2014
6:00-6:45 or 7:00-7:45
Why: To learn all about your child’s education

This Week in Reading Workshop...

This week your child will:
·        Learn that readers can choose how we feel about books, either reading them as if they are gold or being a curmudgeon toward them.
·        Learn that strong readers create a buzz about the books we love, and we do this by summarizing and excerpting those books.
·        Learn that readers use various systems to identify just-right books so that we always have something to read.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

This Week in Math, Science and Social Studies...

Math:  We are continuing to work on our unit on addition and subtraction. The mathematicians will continue their work with fact families (1+2=3, 2+1=3, 3-1=2, 3-2=1) and continue to learn new games that will help with mastery of our basic facts.  Please use the links on the blog to help students practice at home.

Science:  Students had the chance to explore 12 different types of rocks last week.  This week the scientist will begin to explore 12 different minerals that can be found in rocks.  Through these explorations students will observe the properties of rocks and minerals.  It will help them identify them and also allow them to sort or group them based on their property.  

Social Studies:  This week students will be focusing on different landforms and bodies of water that are present in Michigan.  The lessons will include such terms as: lake, pond, river, bay, peninsula, mountains, hills, and plains. 

Paxton Eli Darling

WE MISS YOU!!!!!! LOVE, Mrs. Darling and Paxton!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Welcome To The 3rd Grade Blog!

Hello Families,

We would like to welcome you to our blog.  On the blog you will find useful information regarding classroom information, our studies, and links that will aid you and your child with their studies.  There are two ways to access the information.  You can go directly to or sign up for emails.

Sign up to receive emails!  If you enter your email in the subscribe box on the right you will get an email each time we update the blog.  It's as easy as the following:
1) Enter your email in the box.
2) Check your Email and accept the blog request from Feed-burner.  (May go to into "junk mail" box)
3) Receive updates to your email whenever we post information!

The links on the right (Links for Parents and Students) will connect you to useful websites for studying and district info.  Just click on the link and the blog will direct you to the specific site by opening up a new window.

Thank you,

Mrs. Darling and Mr. Peri