Monday, December 15, 2014

Math/Science/Social Studies

Math: Students have been working hard to develop a deep understanding of the measurement called PERIMETER.  We have explored patterns in perimeters of rectangles and other quadrilaterals.  This week, we will have more practice finding the perimeters of a variety of polygons, as well as solving number stories involving perimeter.  Next we will move into the measurement of AREA.  Keeping these two concepts separate can be a challenge, so we will spend the rest of the week exploring, practicing, and defining their differences.     
INDEPENDENT STUDY:  To finish off a fantastic 2014, students have each chosen a personal goal for the week.  Perhaps they are still trying to master addition or subtraction. If they’ve achieved fluency there, they may be working on x2, x5, or x10.  Whatever the goal, students will record what they have done each day to reach their personal goal.  On Friday, they will take a one-minute quiz.  Ask your child about their goal and how you can help support their success!!
Science: Our investigation this week will hot and cold water.  We will construct a basic thermometer to observe that water expands as it warms and contracts as it cools.  This will lead into a discussion and exploration of the various states of water—as a solid, liquid and gas.
Social Studies: We are wrapping up our study of Native American legends.  Next we will begin looking at the interactions between the people of The Three Fires and the early European explorers, specifically the French Voyageurs.

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