Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Hello Everyone!

Dear Third Grade Families:
I would like to take a moment to introduce myself and let you know how I will be involved in yours and your child’s life. My name is Mr. Ian Grzesik, long term substitute teacher for Mrs. Amanda Darling, your child’s third grade teacher here at Roosevelt Elementary. I was born in Fraser, MI and moved north to Tawas, MI where I graduated from high school. I realized, during my high school years, that I loved to work with children and considered teaching to be a viable option to become my career. I decided that I was going to pursue this career choice and Saginaw Valley State University was the college where I would start this journey at. I am a graduate of SVSU with a degree in elementary education. Upon acceptance into the College of Education at SVSU I decided that this was the absolute best career choice for me and loved spending my semesters working with students in the Saginaw area. These students ranged from kindergarten all the way up to 7th grade and I worked with them in a number of areas including: mathematics, social studies, science, art/music, language arts and technology.
            I would also like to state that teacher/parent communication is a vital part of a successful school year and I would like to stress the fact that I am open to hearing from you with any questions, concerns, or ideas you may have. I will be contacting you just like any other teacher would and can’t wait to begin hearing back from you.
Once again, I look forward to this experience and can’t wait to begin teaching your children as well as learning from them and this opportunity as a whole. I look forward to meeting you and discussing any questions you may have.

Mr. Ian Grzesik

E-mail: igrzesik@ferndaleschools.org
Phone: 248-548-1950 

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